Our Angels


When Körbican was about 2 months old living on the street, someone noticed that she couldn’t see and alerted Fatma. She took her to several vets but from birth Körbican had no eyes and nothing could be done. Fatma couldn’t forget Körbican, though, and so she added her to her pack. She is now 9 years old.


Fatma found Reyhan in the woods at two months old with legs apparently damaged at birth. It was determined that nothing could be done to correct her condition, but having lived with this all her life, Reyhan has figured out how to maneuver and get around, although in a very limited way.

One leg is totally paralyzed, the other although totally straight, has some mobility especially if she needs to scratch! In spite of what seems like a horrendous condition to us, she is a happy dog who absolutely adores being scratched and loved.



When Kupa was about 20 days old a family vacationing in the area found her and brought her to Fatma. Kupa was infested with parasites, ticks, and fleas. She was having convulsions and suddenly went blind. Fatma doctored her, Kupa’s eyesight returned, and now at 4 years old she is one of the dynamos of the shelter.



When Masti was 5 or 6 months old he was hit by a car. All 4 legs were broken, one so badly that it had to be amputated. The other three legs were treated by Fatma. Masti is now 5 years old and moves around quite contentedly.



Mutlu was brought to the shelter to be boarded for a month until his family was settled in Germany. That was 6 years ago. He’s still waiting…..



This is the newest addition to the shelter. Tıfıl was rescued before she suffered the same fate as her 3 siblings who were literally kicked to death. She is traumatized and panicked, but slowly learning that she is in a safe place.
